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A UX Designer By Any Other Name

As designers look for new opportunities this season, searching “UX Designer” will not show the full array of open roles. This is due, in part, to job boards having multiple titles for those who can understand user needs and create exceptional digital experiences. Let’s go over a few:

  1. UX Designer — This is the usual term and encompasses understanding user needs, conducting research, and designing interfaces.
  2. UX/UI Designer or UI Designer — This role highlights and can even put more focus on the visual design of the user interface while still requiring the application of the UX design process and a full understanding of its principles.
  3. Experience Designer — Both Experience Design and UX require understanding customer needs and goals, user research, interface design, prototyping, and testing, but Experience Design can extend to both physical and digital touchpoints to address the overall customer experience with the brand. Adobe uses this term for their design team members.
  4. Product Designer — Product designers use the same tools as UX designers but can have a more business-oriented mindset. They are balancing both the user needs and business requirements in their design process as they work towards a final product.
  5. Visual Designer — Still requiring UX foundations, this role will focus on your UI skills to deliver intuitive products with high-quality interfaces that meet user needs.
  6. UX Web or Mobile Designer — Platform-specific role that looks for designers who have a background or specialty in web or mobile UX design.

While there are many names for UX Designers, the end goal remains the same: crafting user-friendly, and exceptional digital experiences.

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